On June 15th, AIoT Canada had the pleasure to host its 2022 AGM and welcome AIoT Members and their invitees. We were thrilled to have over 50 guests during the day along with 35 participants online.
During his remarks, the president @Salvatore Cimmino, presented an overview of past and upcoming activities and expressed much optimism to the future ahead.
Under the theme of " Leveraging our ecosystem"; our CEO, @Michel Langelier did a call to action. He spoke on the importance for the industry to work collaboratively with the government in mapping the ecosystem and in developing a "National Strategy": He introduced Charles Eagan, CTO from BlackBerry and @Walter Knitl, CEO of Praxiem who will co-preside the efforts to engage the required stakeholders. This strategy will give Canada the opportunity to grow its digital economy in a structured manner and provide it the competitive edge needed. It is a MUST to find the proper ways to accelerate the adoption of AIoT
Our heartfelt thanks to Maya HTT who was the official sponsor for our AGM. As well, many thanks to Cradlepoint who sponsored our VIP reception. We are grateful to Hub350 for who graciously welcomed us and provided the greatest facilities and a beautiful setting.
#ArtificialIntelligence/IntelligenceArtificielle #InternetofThings/InternetdesObjets #AIoT #AGM
Roman Semeniuc
AIoT Canada
St-Hubert QC