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 Several of you are calling me for refferals: why not using "Connect" to seek one. Or get a direct call

  • Call for Help / Appel a tous
Michel Langelier's profile image
Board Member Michel Langelier posted 07-26-2022 12:58
On, you can call for help for your industry, compagny, or other. To do so, you need to create a post with the #CallforHelp/Appelatous. Once you do this, the post with the #CallforHelp/Appelatous will appear under the "Call for Help / Appel à Tous" section on the main page, and everyone will be able to see what you are asking for and so they will be able to help you.

Sur, vous pouvez demander de l'aide pour votre industrie, votre entreprise ou autre. Pour ce faire, vous devez créer une publication avec le #CallforHelp/Appelatous. Une fois que vous avez fait cela, le message avec le #CallforHelp/Appelatous apparaîtra sous la section "Call for Help / Appel à Tous" sur la page principale, et tout le monde pourra voir ce que vous demandez et donc pourra vous aider.

A second technique is to go in the directory and "tick" feild of expertise/domains for which you are seeking experts. Try it!  You will have the ability to ask directly a "request for contact". You will be able to engage discussion one-on-one directly. 

Hence, if you want the people to find you....It is only normal that you fill your profile. Have your picture. People tend to do business and interact with people who show their face and have a precise profile. We all know that you can not be an expert in all feild. Avoid filling all the expertise boxes. :)
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