
Aladin Gaston

Flex Group Laval (

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Flex Group Laval (
Direct: 1(514)585-1719

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Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-24-2023 00:03
Found In Egroup: 5G
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Corporate Private Wireless Networks: 5G or Wi-Fi? / Réseaux sans fil privés d'entreprise : 5G ou Wi-Fi ? In Canada, we are missing the unlicensed Citizens Broadband Radio Service for innovation. Au Canada, il nous manque le service de radio à large bande sans licence des citoyens pour l'innovation. ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-18-2023 18:16
Found In Egroup: 5G
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6G update January 2023 - Mise à jour 6G janvier 2023 - English version on the same page in Blue color On m'a demandé de résumer certaines des discussions en cours sur la 6G et l'AIoT. Nous travaillons avec des entreprises de télécommunications en Afrique où le marché progresse lentement en termes ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-17-2023 17:46
Found In Community: 5G
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Is mobile banking is being used for AIoT in Africa? / Les services bancaires mobiles sont-ils utilisés pour l'AIoT en Afrique ? As Flex Group is present in Western and North African telecom markets; I was asked if mobile banking was used for AIoT Mobile banking is being used for AIoT in Africa, but it ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-17-2023 17:17
Found In Egroup: 5G
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5G and Quantum AIoT computing / 5G et technologies AIoT quantiques Post Quantum SIM Card Security / Sécurité de la carte SIM Post Quantum En Français plus bas sur la même page. I am asked very often questions about Cybersecurity in a post-quantum future, specifically linked to telecommunication ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-16-2023 15:29
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Traduction française de l'article romain. Nouveau commentaire en français et en anglais sur les capteurs AIoT existants utilisant les technologies Quantum / French translation of the Roman article. New commentary in French and English on existing AIoT sensors using Quantum technologies Publié le 27/05/2022 ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-16-2023 13:15
Found In Egroup: 5G
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Response from Frank Rayal, l translated to French, Followed by additional comments in French and English. / Original traduit en français, suivi de commentaires supplémentaires en français et en anglais. Translation in French from the comments from Frank. +Aladin, c'est un domaine important, je pense ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-13-2023 14:10
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies--Spectre millimétrique 5G appliqué aux technologies quantiques Jan 2023 ==En Français plus bas sur la même page.== Following a Question on the 5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies and the current research in Canada? ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-13-2023 14:10
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5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies--Spectre millimétrique 5G appliqué aux technologies quantiques Jan 2023 ==En Français plus bas sur la même page.== Following a Question on the 5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies and the current research in Canada? ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-13-2023 14:08
Found In Egroup: 5G
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5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies--Spectre millimétrique 5G appliqué aux technologies quantiques Jan 2023 ==En Français plus bas sur la même page.== Following a Question on the 5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies and the current research in Canada? Note: ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 01-13-2023 13:50
Found In Egroup: 5G
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5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies--Spectre millimétrique 5G appliqué aux technologies quantiques ==En Français plus bas sur la même page.== Following a Question on the 5G millimeter spectrum applied to quantum technologies and the current research in Canada? The 5G millimeter ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 12-29-2022 17:39
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Following your comments, Yes rugged SSD exist and their specifications can be with an enhanced thermal range, from -40c to +85c, to accomplish this the internal microcontroller is trying to compensate for the thermal variation. Usually, that feature multiplies the cost of the device. However, select ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 12-29-2022 17:20
Found In Egroup: 5G
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5G and the internet-of-battlefield things (Iobt) 5G et l'Internet des objets du champ de bataille ) L'armée canadienne est dans une période de transition où le recrutement est en baisse et où l'optimisation et la modernisation de l'armée sont essentielles. Pour les 20 prochaines années, l'une des ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 12-20-2022 19:21
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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SSD, Flash memory usage, and more... / SSD, Memoire Flash et plus. Everything you don't want to know about flash memory / Tout ce que vous ne voulez pas savoir sur la mémoire flash... English is on the same page after the French... Tout ce que vous ne voulez pas savoir sur la mémoire flash... ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 12-19-2022 12:56
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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UPDATE: Cybersecurity delegation to France | MISE À JOUR : Délégation de cybersécurité en France AIoT Canada Is very closely implicated with all aspects of Cybersecurity, this mission has a deadline for application of January 6th, It could provide to the participants who meet the eligibility criteria ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 11-16-2022 10:16
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Thank you, Maeva and the Italian chamber of commerce, Yes I am happy to participate! Grazie, Maeva e la camera di commercio italiana, sì, sono felice di partecipare! Mi piacerebbe conoscere il team di L.I.F.E Italia Srl, specializzato nella creazione di soluzioni di telemedicina end-to-end, poiché lavoro ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 10-26-2022 16:25
Found In Egroup: 5G
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Any feed back from this meeting by AIoT Canada Members ------------------------------ Aladin Gaston CTO Flex Group Laval ( AIoT Canada 5G "Ambassador" 1(514)585-1719 ------------------------------
Posted By Aladin Gaston 10-26-2022 15:32
Found In Egroup: 5G
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Invitation: Symposium 6G automne / Fall Nov. 1-2022 Inscription Lien/Link: Nous avons déjà partagé le lien avec les membres d'AIoT Canada du 6GSymposium d'octobre qui a réuni plus de 50 conférenciers de tout l'écosystème des télécommunications ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 10-26-2022 15:31
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Inscription Lien/Link: Nous avons déjà partagé le lien avec les membres d'AIoT Canada du 6GSymposium d'octobre qui a réuni plus de 50 conférenciers de tout l'écosystème des télécommunications et au-delà pour expliquer comment nous passons des ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 10-25-2022 14:27
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Thank you Maeva (Français Plus bas sur la page) Welcome SageTea at AIoT Canada One of your product the Linux XFone is very interesting: Link:"XFone is the most programmable mobile device in the world and the best value Linux phone available today." The link is: ...
Posted By Aladin Gaston 10-25-2022 11:42
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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English below on the same page. "L'infrastructure IoT fait en parties"--"IoT infrastructure is part of it" 5-8 janvier 2023, En tant que membre d'AIoT Canada, je partage ce message pour les compagnies québécoise de Elise Laferrière, MBA notre déléguée commerciale, du Service des délégués commerciaux ...